Off The Shelf and Your Health- Part 2

So last blog we discussed those off the shelf products and investigated if bigger is actually better. This time we look into the other areas that differentiate between a naturopathically prescribed supplement and those you find on the shelf of your local health food store or pharmacy. These areas include quality service, 'cheap' savings, does it work, will it help and money wasters versus health boosters.

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Homeopathy: Fooling People into Health for 200 Years

I have been happily using homeopathy for the past 8 years. Before that time I was definitely a homeopathic cynic. How could this little pill create any major effect in the body? Homeopathy is based on the principles of like cures like, and the more dilute a substance, the more potent it’s effect. This means that if you have been stung by a bee, your remedy may be made originally from the venom of a bee… That is ‘like cures like’. But the second part of the equation is where it flips most people out...

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Tell Me Your Story

Everyone I meet has a story that is uniquely their own. It makes them who they are, and can be told by no one better than themselves. Every single story I have been privileged enough to hear has been nothing less than amazing. I have never met anyone whose story hasn’t been important, illuminating, and educational, and I know I never will. We all have life experiences and tales to share, and in the dark past, this was how we learned and evolved.

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